Auteur/autrice : Franck Dion
Bâtiment central
Ceux du fleuve
En prévision de la prochaine Fêtes des lumières à Lyon qui se tiendra du jeudi 7 au dimanche 10 décembre prochain, voici une première image de « Ceux du Fleuve », un video mapping monumental que j’ai eu l’honneur de réaliser. Ce film animé de 6 minutes sera accompagné par la superbe musique de Linnea Olsson. Le […]
Sauvetage dans l’aube grise
Today while reading the press, I learn that 18000 cows were disintegrated in the explosion of a factory farm in Dimmitt, Texas. The silence of the beasts. The international premiere of ASTORIA will take place in official competition at the Annecy Animation Film Festival in June 2023! With the music of Lady Amundscott and the voice of Caroline Bouchoms The film is produced by Rencontres audiovisuelles & Franck Dion in co-production with Pictanovo
My new short film ASTORIA is finished and I am very tired but happy! Produced by Rencontres audiovisuelles and myself, in co-production with Pictanovo, the film will start its career in festivals and other screenings next spring.